Why Vertical?

Technical and business buyers prefer solutions adopted by leaders in their own industries. Industry-specific case studies help buyers understand how the specific challenges of their use case are addressed by your solution.

Why 2-Touch?

You can accelerate demand generation by offering a second, industry-specific asset to new Top of Funnel leads. The "Vertical 2-Touch" programs are designed as follows:

(1) A well-performing general asset converts the contact to a Top of Funnel lead.
(2) This contact is then presented (via your medium of choice) with a second, industry-specific asset.

Only buyers who engage with both assets are qualified as leads from a Vertical 2-Touch program.

As explained by Howard J. Sewell, President of the Spear Marketing Group, in the video below, the topic of your asset determines its success at each stage of the funnel. And case studies, in particular, are incredibly well-suited for middle of funnel lead qualification.

Technology leaders use Vertical campaigns.

First Touch


Your campaign begins by identifying which buyers match your target ICP or ABM buyer persona while demonstrating intent for solutions similar to yours. This drives a higher response for your initial offer.

Second Touch


Once your prospect has received their initial offer, a second, industry-specific case study (or similar offer) is presented to them. Only buyers who engage with both assets are qualified as leads from a Vertical 2-Touch program.
Is VERTICAL 2-TOUCH  right for your campaign?

Reach out and connect with one of our team members to help determine if your ICP or target ABM buyers are suited for this accelerated demand gen journey.

Our clients include some of the world's fastest-growing B2B tech brands. They need reliable, scalable, verified middle and bottom of funnel leads for their sales teams. Which is why we developed the VERTICAL 2-TOUCH buyer journey. To maximize results from their highest-performing marketing assets.

“As you move further down the funnel, the topic changes. As you get into the middle of the funnel it's more about use cases, case studies, customer stories.”

- Howard J. Sewell , Spear Marketing Group